Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Career plan #328

I have a new addiction. Every day at 11:00 AM I have to tune into TNT for ER.

I have a new idea for a career haha. I'm actually thinking about Nursing now. I want to be Carol Hathaway lol.
Anyways, I think I'm kind of drawn to it because there are so many ways to advance within the field. I can go to get my BSN and then go back for an MSN when I know what I want to specialize in. I hoping that when I get into working with HOSA this year I can figure out if I'm cut out for it or if I like it or whatever. I don't know, it's just another idea. It'd just be nice because I could start working after four years compared to like every other major I've looked at that I have to go to school for at least six years before I could get where I want to be.
I first started thinking about this like a couple of weeks ago and I've just been praying, you know, God show me if this is the direction you want me to take. So Sunday I had extended session and it just so happened that the class I had and the class above it combined that day and it just so happened that two new people who had never worked in there before were on their first rotation. Well, the woman who was in there also just so happened to have recently graduated with her latest degree to become a Nurse Practioner. She started talking about her job and school and everything without me even saying anything about it. I ended up telling her that I had been thinking about Nursing and she gave me some helpful information and advice. The more I thought about it that just seemed like an answer to prayer. I mean nursing still may not be what I end up doing, but how would it just so randomly happen that this woman who I didn't know otherwise was in that class with me and started talking to me about it? What's funny is that I know plenty of people who are nurses that I could've asked about going into the field but I think God brought it to me before I even had to ask anybody. I don't know, the biggest thing is that she gave me a better perspective on how big the field really is and how many different opportunities there are with that one degree. I think that would suit me because I don't see myself as the type to do the same thing every day for the rest of my life.
One day I'm going to look through this blog and laugh at myself for all my different plans about what I'm going to do with my life haha. Probably about the same way I think God laughs at me when I come up with them.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Maybe I didn't make myself clear.

Youth camp was last week. It went by so fast! It was awesome though. Like, probably one of the best camps I've ever been to. As far as what I got out of it anyway. The speaker was from an organization called First Priority which tries to emphasize the importance of churches in a community, especially youth groups, coming together to work towards a common goal of reaching their schools for Christ. That was very appropriate because one of the main ideas behind the camp was uniting churches in our community that have traditionally been somewhat prejudiced against each other. Anyhow, so it was really cool to see everybody group together at the end of the week with other kids from their schools to pray for the upcoming school year. Worship was awesome too. A guy named Chris Clayton led the music and I got a lot out of that. Mainly, it occured to me that the God that created the universe actually wants to know me. Even though that is a large part of my faith I think a lot of times we, or I at least, who grew up in church forget the magnitude of that statement.
One of the things I went into the week kind of wanting an answer about was college. My ever present problem haha. Unfortunately, now I am the least certain I have been about it in a while. I started thinking about it after I got home and it just feels like all the plans I had made are shaken. I kept thinking I wanted to go to UF, but I don't know anymore. It just doesn't feel right. I may be wrong, who knows. I still plan on applying and just seeing what happens. I'm thinking more about Emory. It intimidates me less because it's not a "party school" like UF is. However, it is also exponentially more expensive so it would all depend on what kind of financial aid package they offered me. And besides that, it's also dawned on me that depending on what I decide to major in I don't have to go to a school with a medical program for my bachelor's degree. Plenty of colleges have BS degrees in Biology or some other Pre-med type major so that I could go to a different college then go to UF or Emory or wherever for a master's or whatever I decide on. So who knows? The funny thing is, at this point when I am the least certain I have been in a long time, I have the greatest peace about it. At first I was all like, wait a minute. You must've misunderstood me. I said I wanted an answer about this, not for You to shake everything I thought I knew. But God's just given me a peace about it and I know that as long as I am in His Word and striving to do His will He's going to show me what I'm supposed to do.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Helloooo, Summer!!

I am alive!! Haha.. My sister informed me today that I need to blog..I've been slacking. I definitely have been. I just looked at my last post from before AP exams.. dang. So I guess I'll start there. I survived. Ha. I feel okay about both of my exams but who really knows. I think the multiple choice went much better than the essays...they drain you. Onto more pleasant is out! And do you know what that means? Yes, you are correct. That means that we are ... SENIORS!!! Craziness. It still seems so surreal. My friend and I were talking today about how it still hasn't clicked and we were like well maybe it'll kick in when we put on the cap and gown for yearbook pictures this week..but then we decided we'll probably just feel like we're playing dress up haha. I don't know..we'll see. My appointment for my drape and cap & gown pictures are Thursday. Friday I have an appointment to cut my hair. And Saturday I am taking pictures with my photographer/sister and brother-in-law/employer haha. I am pretty siked about the end of this week. Just hoping that I like my hair when I cut
Umm...I don't think I mentioned before that I will be doing the HOSA program at school next year. I'll be going to Shands 3 days per week and at the end of the year, if I pass the test, I will get my CNA license. I'll also get some college credit for a class or two. Hopefully working in the hospital will give me a better idea of what I want to do in the medical field. As my teacher puts it, it's like shopping in a candy store haha. Bless her heart. Ha.
Which leads me to my current college outlook. My top two choices right now are UF and Emory. I plan on visiting both of them at some point this summer. I got a packet in the mail a couple weeks ago from a little place called Harvard. It included a three page letter telling me why I should apply there and an application. WHAT?! SERIOUSLY?! Really. I didn't request that application. Btw, it wasn't like a few was a bloomin' BOOK!! Yeah. So that was exciting..haha.
What else is going on? I need a job. The search isn't going so well so if you hear of anything let me know lol. I went two weeks ago and filled out TEN applications and never got a call back haha.
I can't think of anything else so..
Oh, I think I'm about to put my blog on private, so let me know your email address so I can add you to my readers list if I like you. Lol jk...kind of. Ha.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Counting down

A week from now I will be done with both of my AP exams. "Holllla!!!!" LOL. Until then my teachers are in freak out mode trying to cram all this last minute test prep into our heads. I really don't understand how an English teacher can do basically nothing all year but then a week before the AP test decide writing tons of essays is going to prepare us for it. Sure.
I am so ready for summer!! I can't wait to get out of school. I'm ready for youth camp and the one time I'll go to the beach all summer and ... VBS? We signed up to teach first and second grade music..think we may have had a moment of temporary insanity haha. Anyways, I also kind of need to get a job this summer soo..if anybody hears of anything let me know lol.. Btw I prefer to stay away from the fast food industry haha..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A letter...

My guidance counselor found me today to give me a letter. He held it out to me and I saw that the return address said ... National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Yeahhh. It took me a second then I went..."Oooh!" Haha. I made it into the first round of the competition to become a National Merit Scholar which means I'm in the top 50,000 that took the test this year. Therefore, I'm eligible for their recommendation program in which I choose two universities for NMSC to contact with my information and encourage them to contact me about attending there. The problem with this being I actually have to choose two. Haha. Anyways, in the fall they'll cut that 50,000 to 16,000 who will become semi-finalists. If I make that, awesome. If not, it's still pretty good to be a "Commended Scholar". So that was my excitement for the day. Lol.

Monday, April 20, 2009

College here I come!!

We got our forms to choose classes for Dual Enrollment next year! Yay!! I'll get out of school after third period one semester and after second semester the next then I'll go to college for two or three classes. I'm excited about getting out of school early haha..

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Everything's going...

It's been a while since I've posted anything...I'm beginning to start every post that way...that can't be a good thing. Anyways, school is...going. Still waiting on the bull dozer for the English teacher. She promised us plenty of essays between now and AP tests in May. The good thing is that after May 8 I'm not going to be doing much of anything at school besides in my Precalc class. We'll also be having officer elections for Beta and NHS over the next weeks. Me and a couple of my friends will probably by officers for one or that's one more thing to do next year. It'll look good on the college application. We finalized our schedules for next year. Seniors got their cap and gowns this week...we'll be doing that in a year!! Craziness.
On a side note, I am completely addicted to NCIS. I totally want to be Abby when I grow up. Bahaha. Except the black hair and spider web tattoo, of course. Ha.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Kisses and Disses

It's been a while since I've posted because nothing too exciting is going on so...
*AP English Literature. GAHHH. And that's all I've got to say about that.
*Rain. Ughhhh...I am soo tired of this weather.

*The Vera Bradley Bowler bag in the Hope Garden pattern. I love it. It will be my next purse purchase.
*SPRING BREAK!!! Yes, it started at today at 3:25. YAY.
*Cookie brownies. Oh yeah. A layer of cookie on the bottom with a layer of brownie on top. And a large glass of milk. Evil, yes, but ridiculously good.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Some words of wisdom

Just a quick note to share some profound words of wisdom with you. I'm on this little mission to drink more water because we're going through a nutrition unit in my Medical Skills class and water's supposed to speed up your metabolism and help clear skin and, let's face it, I'm all about that. Anyways, I'm up to 3 Trek bottles of water today and did you know that the more water you drink the more you have to pee? Profound, yes I know.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You take pictures of vocal chords?

In case you didn't know, I helped Chris shoot a wedding this weekend. It was so much fun! It was very stressful and I was very sore afterwards but it was awesome. Chris asked at the end if I was willing to shoot another one in a month or two and I was pretty quick to answer yes. It was just so cool to get to capture such a big day in two people's lives and know that they would look at those pictures for the rest of their lives...and I took some of them!
Throughout the day Satuday and then Sunday at church I got asked I don't know how many times, "So is this what you want to do? Do you want to be a professional photographer?" And my answer was...I don't know. Haha. Go figure, isn't that my answer to everything in life? It did get me thinking about it though. I really wouldn't mind pursuing photography. If for nothing else I think it will always be a hobby. I would really like to minor in Photography in college. I would rather major in something more "stable". Lol I guess that's a product of graduating during a recession. Anyways, wouldn't that be a diploma? Major in Communication Sciences and Disorders (my major of the week haha) with a minor in Photography. Haha. Whatever works I guess. The problem with this being, however, that like no college offers that combination. No minors in photography. So....we're back to square one.
By the way, you should go check out the sneak peek for the wedding.
And I ramble. Yes, I know.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Just say no the tea. Tonight when I get home from Charlene's rehearsal dinner I had a huge glass of Chicken House sweet tea. You know what I'm talking about. That big ole white styrofoam cup. It just calls to you. I drank it and within about fifteen minutes I went...why in the world did I do that? To understand why this is a bad thing (besides the sugar content), you probably need to understand that I have a relatively low tolerance for caffeine. It never bothered me until my mom switched our tea at home to decaf so now when I drink Chicken House tea it makes me shake a little and I feel like I should run a few laps around the building. And going to sleep? Yeah I can forget that since I drank it at 8:00. So here I sit, after 11:00, watching House and looking through photoblogs (and writing this blog, of course). The moral of this story: don't drink a jumbo Chicken House sweet tea soon before going to bed when you have to be somewhere at 8:00 a.m. in the morning (that's early for me since school doesn't start until 9 lol).

Monday, March 9, 2009

Randomness, Part II

Just thought I'd write a post about what's going on this week. My AP teachers have decided to lay on the work all of a sudden. Apparently we suddenly need to get ready for AP tests in May. I don't even want to talk about it. I was so mad at my AP Lit teacher today when she unexpectedly gave us a test and demanded our study guide that my friend Jessie and I were conspiring to get our other friend's dad, who owns a construction company, to bring a bulldozer and run her over. JK..kind of. Lol. We have seriously thought about unscrewing a leg of her desk that she frequently sits on though. Bahaha it would be hilarious.
This weekend was pretty good though. My sister and brother-in-law have me on the way to being addicted to photography. I tried my hand at a shoot Saturday. Check out the pics at Chris Reinolds Photography. We had a lot of fun even if I didn't have much of an idea what I was doing lol.
Okay, well I'm off to not procrastinate for once in my life and try to get my study guide for APUSH done so I'm not up til midnight the night before.
Oh, btw, I got another letter inviting me to a college summer program. Stanford wants me now too, apparently.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why mediocrity?

Question. Why do we settle for mediocrity and complacency? Why is it so much easier to just be like everybody else, accomplish the same as everyone else? I watched some people today, thinking about how they could be and do so much more if they would just push themselves. If they would get past the laziness and realize they could do something great far above this tiny town. I'm not excluding myself from this, by the way. There's so much I could do but I don't. Won't make myself. It's just a shame that we don't live to our potential.
That's not to say that there's anything wrong with staying here and everything. I fully plan on coming back. It's just that I wish people would see how much than could do. How much God really has given them.
I guess a large part of this post is me reminding myself how much I can do. I'm trying to discern God's will about college because I'm a control freak and I want my plan now. I'm afraid that I won't make myself leave for college like I think I should. I'm afraid I'll be too afraid. Lol. I hate fear. Fear to take a chance. Fear to be more. Fear to take a leap of faith. Fear to trust Him. I hate that it controls so much of our lives and our decisions.

4 things

I got tagged by Jennifer so.. :)
4 jobs I've had:
1. Working at the family graphics business
2. Babysitting
3. Student lol
4. Aunt haha

4 movies watched over and over:
1. While You Were Sleeping
2. Princess Bride
3. Father of the Bride 2
4. Miss Congeniality

4 places I've lived:
1. Here

4 shows I watch:
1. House
2. Biggest Lose
3. American Idol
4. Gilmore Girls

4 places I've been:
1. New York City
2. Washington, DC
3. Nowhere else too significant lol

4 people who e-mail me regularly:
1. Chelsea
2. Brittany
3. Colleges
4. Edline lol

4 favorite things to eat:
1. Mexican Food
2. BBQ
3. My Granny & Grandma's food
4. Chinese

4 places I'd rather be:
1. asleep in my bed
2. somewhere warm.
3. touring somewhere in Europe

4 things I look forward to this year:
1. starting my senior year
2. this summer
3. getting past my last ap exams...ever.
4. sending in college applications.

4 people to tag:
1. Brittany
2. Ros
3. Kris
4. Carrie

Monday, February 23, 2009

66 days...

...of school left in my junior year!! "Inconceivable!!" Haha. ("You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.") Okay, enough quoting movies. Anyways, it hit me again today how close we are to the end of our junior year. We got our schedule request forms for our SENIOR YEAR today!! So exciting. And a lil scary. The school is going back to a 4x4 block schedule instead of our current 6 period day. I don't really care either way because I'll only be there about half the day. Looks like my request will be for: English IV Honors/Dual Enrollment ENC 1101, AP Calculus AB, Anatomy and Physiology Honors, and Government/Economics Honors. Really shouldn't be as bad as this year. Especially since I'll only be taking two of those classes at a time at the school and then dual enrollment afterwards.
Btw, I can't wait for summer!! I am tired of this crazy cold weather. I am ready for shorts and tank tops and sunglasses and the beach (at least once lol) and watching softball games and my niece's tee ball games. And youth camp and VBS. And of course no school.
Okay I'm off to try to make sense of chemistry ionic equations anybody??

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Well, I don't really have anything exciting to tell but I try to blog at least once a week and the last one was last Saturday. So, here's the randomness that has been my week.
Let's see...I got my ACT scores back from a couple weeks ago. I got a 29 which is about what I expected. A point lower than last time but pretty good considering that I Christmas-treed the science section. Ha. The best part is that it's over. No more standardized tests for this chick!! YAY!! lol. Except AP tests. Ugh let's not talk about those.
Umm...I really should be doing my homework for A Tale of Two Cities right now. Or The Jungle. Take your pick. French revolution or meat packaging immigrants? Decapitated people or spoiled meat? Yumm. I have at least finished my study guide for APUSH and done half of my chemistry homework. Other than that I've pretty much sat on the couch all day watching movies - Gifted Hands, No Reservations, and 27 Dresses so far. "B-b-b-benny and the jets!" Ha.
Guess that's about it...
Oh btw I'm eating a banana with chocolate syrup right now. You should try it. Really. Except Chris. Don't try it, Chris. Ha. :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day...I guess.

Valentine's Day should die. LOL. I do have a date tonight though...with Micah. Haha. He even brought me a gift. And we're having a steak dinner. He's an awesome date. :)
The first half of the day was pretty good too. My best friend and I did a photo shoot with Chris and Ros. And we only got a threat to call the cops on us once...HAHA. It was fun. Check their blog for the pics coming soon.
Anyways, after my date with Micah I will be curling up with my book by Dee Henderson and being glad that Valentine's Day wasn't on a school day. All the red and pink and roses and chocolate makes me want to puke.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My latest news...

You should check out Chris Reinolds Photography for my latest news... :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Kisses and Disses

Ok so I totally stole this idea from one of my favorite blogs.. I thought it was really cute though.. She highlights the good parts (kisses) and bad parts (disses) of the week. Plus I haven't blogged in a while because there isn't too much interesting going on. So here goes.
*Cold weather. I have been so over winter since the first week of December and being that it is now February and I'm pretty sure this is like the coldest winter in Florida so far in my entire life, I'm really ready for like..idk..70 degree weather. I am ready to move back to Florida. (Brittany: "But we are in Florida...") Oh, and I hate the static caused by cold does nothing for my hair.
*The ACT. Well, even more than the ACT, guidance counselors. I have to take the ACT tomorrow, meaning that I have to be at the school from before 8:00 until 1:00. Not cool. But what's even worse about this is that I wouldn't have to take it again if my wonderful guidance counselor hadn't told me that I didn't need to take the writing portion of the test the first time. Only every major university requires it. Ugh.
*AP classes. This time not because of the work (although that too..) but because I'm actually learning stuff in history. Crazy, I know. The horrible thing though is that this wealth of fairly useless information floods my mind every time I hear certain words or names or expressions. (Ex: "Nasty" - Thomas B. Nast. Political cartoonist of the late 19th century. Defended immigrants, exposed Boss Tweed, loved Grant, lived in NY.) You catch my drift. It's a sickness.

*Robin Jones Gunn. I just got the second book in a series by Gunn that I'm reading. I'm pretty excited. It's unfortunate that I really should be reading Killer Angels for APUSH instead.
*My friends. They're pretty much the sweetest. We had a great time hangin out today while we were "mentoring" 10th graders for their upcoming FCAT writing test.
* My friend Crystal told me about it. You put in a song or artist you like and it creates a "radio station" for you with music it thinks you'll like. It's pretty nice since I'm bored with all the music on my iPod right now. Oh, btw, it's not an actual radio station. It's just called that. It's just a playlist on the internet. I guess I have to include that disclaimer now. (Brittany: "How do you know what number to turn it to on the radio in your car?) ;)

Friday, January 23, 2009

To trade death for life

So I've seen these shirts around that say "To Write Love On Her Arms". Because inquiring minds want to know, I decided to Google it (my answer to all things lately haha). Anyways, TWLOHA is an organization that helps people who believe they have no hope and are struggling with depression, addiction, etc. They basically take these people who even rehab centers won't touch and love them for 5 days before sending them to a center. For those 5 days they share God's love and hope with them and show them that there are people who care about them, but more specifically that there is One Person who cares about them. The first thing I realized from reading this story is that I want God's love to show through me. I often have a hard time loving people who seem different from me or even that I just don't know very well. I'm praying that God will give me His compassion and mercy.
Besides that, as I was reading the story behind the name of the organization and the first person they helped, one particular part of it really reached out to me.
"She hands me her last razor blade, tells me it is the one she used to cut her arm and her last lines of cocaine five nights before. She's had it with her ever since, shares that tonight will be the hardest night and she shouldn't have it. I hold it carefully, thank her and know instantly that this moment, this gift, will stay with me. It hits me to wonder if this great feeling is what Christ knows when we surrender our broken hearts, when we trade death for life."
I really love this illustration. We as humans are so broken and run down before we give everything to Christ. We constantly do harm to ourselves (although not always physically)because it is the only thing we know. We have no idea that there is something so much better out there. A life blessed by God's mercy and grace and purpose in Him. It reminds me of something my youth pastor talked about in a class we're doing. It seems so ridiculous to us, but when we become slaves to Christ we gain all the freedom in the world. That's always been so interesting to me because it goes against everything we as humans think. Many are afraid to come to Christ because they think they "won't have any fun anymore". But that's not it. As our speaker at Winter Rush said, it's not about pulling the weeds out of the garden, it's about growing the roses. (That was probably a bunch of scattered thoughts thrown together that didn't make any sense to you but they all connected somehow in my mind hahaha.)
Additionally, it's not enough to give Him a part of us. If she had only given him one of her razors but held on to another it would've showed that she actually thought that her way ultimately was better and she couldn't completely trust his way. I do that all the time. You can have this and this, but not that. I don't trust You that much. But I'm not fooling Christ. He knows. Humans are so funny. If we had any intelligence at all we would know that if we could trust anyone with everything it would be the One who created it all. But because we're too dumb to grasp that (or I am a lot of times anyway) He waits patiently as we hand over Him our razors, to trade death for life.

Honest Scrap

The rules of the award:
1) Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.
2) Show the 7 winners names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with "Honest Scrap." Well, there's no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon.
3) List at least 10 honest things about yourself.

Well, most of the people I would nominate have already been "awarded".. So I only have two lol..

1) I'm really not very girly. Except occasionally, I would rather bum around in a tshirt and lounge pants with no makeup. However, I rarely make appearances in public like this.
2) I love cars. It runs in the family. I like new cars, old cars, race cars, whatever. I've driven my dad's rear engine dragster. I would race if I had the time, but school is killing my hobbies.
3) Speaking of killing my hobbies, I used to be in band. I play the flute. I also used to play the piano and I wish I had kept it up. I recently have decided to try to play again. But again, school stinks.
4) I like just about any kind of music. It depends on my mood what I want to listen to, but the selection on my iPod is somewhat humorous. From 80's Queen (thanks to the old days riding with my sister) to oldies to classical to rock. It's all there.
5) I was in the room for my youngest nephew's birth to take pictures. Apparently there was a wager going on about how long I would last, but I made it. :) I'm a tough cookie. Sometimes.
6) When I have kids I want them to be close together. I love my family the way it is, but I wish my sister, brother and I were closer in age.
7) I have first cousins I'd never met until this year. My mom's family is very large and spread out so we rarely all get together.
8) I've never played a sport. Hard to believe, I know. Lol.
9) I was homeschooled until ninth grade besides kindergarten and first grade.
10) I was accepted into Douglas Anderson School of the Arts. For whatever reason I chose West Nassau instead. Lol. No really, I couldn't decide until my sister finally asked me if I wanted a career in music and I said I didn't think so and she told me well then don't go to DA. Sometimes I wonder how things would be different if I had went, but ultimately I think I'm glad I chose West Nasty. Lol. ("I sit alone with my hair, My hair and I we sit alone..." LOL)
11) Oh, and I thought of another one. I would like to travel one day. More specifically, I want to travel through Europe. Spain, Rome, Italy, but also the little beautiful places like Austria, Denmark, etc.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Scores & other misc...

I got my psat scores today. I'm in the 97th percentile with a selection index of 202. Pretty good. National Merit Scholars usually have a selection index between 205 and 215 depending on the state and the scores that year. So, I probably won't become a scholar but I hopefully I'll be a semi-finalist. Which isn't too shabby either. I also got my report card...all A's! And my weighted GPA is up to like 4.5. Yay.
That concludes my good news for this week. I'm pretty much stressing out and it's all Marie Feazel's fault!! (my APUSH teacher) I'm not very happy with her. I have a test in there tomorrow and I kind of have no idea what it's about. And she told us that if our averages go down on that test then she's gonna dump a bunch of work on us. Great. Awesome. Nobody really remembers much about this unit and it's the one she's threatening us on. Anyways besides that we have this newspaper project thing due Friday and she picked the groups so I have to work with some people I don't know or trust...well, more specifically, maybe just one *cough* I don't know or trust. The other two are fine. But that one person just happened not to show up to school today so I don't even know what he's gonna write about and, in turn, I don't know what I'm going to write about! Why did she put me in charge of this thing? And more importantly, why didn't she let us pick our own groups?? Grr. And I have to have my part done by Thursday because I won't be at school Friday.
Which leads to the light at the end of the tunnel. Winter Rush is this weekend!! I'm really just trying to get through all this crud this week so I can get to Friday and get out of that stupid school (besides the book I need to read for AP Lit on the way up and back. ugh.). But yeah I can't wait to leave. I can't wait to see what God's gonna do. I think this year's gonna be a lot of fun!! It'll be fun to break in the newby counselors.. ;) Lol.
Sorry this blog was probably pretty boring. But I needed to vent. :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The End is Near...

Well, today was the first day of school after Christmas break and we are a few days from the end of the first semester. It hit me today - I'm halfway through my junior year of high school! AHHHH!!!! Lol. It's crazy to think that at this time next year I will be making definite decisions about college. Crazy. It's so good to know that I'm not the one making these decisions because if I was I would make a mess of them. It's never been more real to me than now that God has a plan for my life and it is so much better than mine. Right now, MY tentative plan is to go to UF for Radiology...possibly...I don't really know but that's the idea today. Like I said, God's plans are always better.
I did have some good news today about my current schoolwork. I made an A on both of my AP midterms!! This may not seem very exciting to you or I know a person or two who would tell me that they knew I would pull it out and shouldn't have been worrying about it but I was definitely stressing. All I can say is...thank goodness for college curves. Anyways, hopefully this will pull my average in both of those classes back up to an A. YAY!
Also, yesterday in the mail I got something exciting. It's not unusual for Mom to bring in a few letters from colleges each day but yesterday there was one from a different "League"...Harvard. I opened it to find a letter congratulating me for my high PSAT scores and inviting me to attend their summer school. I haven't received my scores yet for the PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholars Qualifying Test) so I don't know what I made but I guess they're alright for Harvard to have noticed. Haha. Hopefully those scores will be high enough that I will go through the semi-finalist and finalist processes to become a National Merit Scholar, which basically guarantees most colleges' acceptance and WONDERFUL financial packages.
Soo...all in all..I'm excited about finding out what the next few years hold. I know it's gonna go by really fast.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

What's in a name?

I decided that maybe I should explain the title of my blog. When I created the blog I couldn't think of anything else, so I fell back on my nickname. I realized it might seem strange to anybody who doesn't know the story, so I thought I'd share. It seems that I've always been drawn to strange nicknames. When I was a toddler I called myself "Dee-dah" (why, I don't know) and it caught on for a while. When my first niece was born we realized that she also might have trouble saying my name so maybe "Dee-dah" could return as her name for me. She had other ideas. Of all the words she could have made out of "Melody", she made "Mammy". Well, actually at first I think it was "Memmy" but over the years it ended up as "Mammy". Of course, as you might guess, the name has raised some questions over the years. One time Kendra said my name in front of a woman...of a different race and she kind of blew up and told us how inappropriate that was and that that child was quite big enough to say my full name. Which she was. But who am I to tell my niece what she can or cannot call me? *shrug* Anyways, the name caught on. Now all my family and half the church calls me "Mammy", although most of my friends at school don't know about it and there's always a long explanation when they're around my family. Lol.