Friday, May 1, 2009

Counting down

A week from now I will be done with both of my AP exams. "Holllla!!!!" LOL. Until then my teachers are in freak out mode trying to cram all this last minute test prep into our heads. I really don't understand how an English teacher can do basically nothing all year but then a week before the AP test decide writing tons of essays is going to prepare us for it. Sure.
I am so ready for summer!! I can't wait to get out of school. I'm ready for youth camp and the one time I'll go to the beach all summer and ... VBS? We signed up to teach first and second grade music..think we may have had a moment of temporary insanity haha. Anyways, I also kind of need to get a job this summer soo..if anybody hears of anything let me know lol.. Btw I prefer to stay away from the fast food industry haha..