Monday, December 8, 2008

Some people are like slinkies...

...they're useless, but you can't help but smile when they tumble down the stairs.

When I read this quote on the wall of the office of a woman at the bank, I laughed because I could immediately think of a few people in my life to whom this would apply. Well, they're not really "in my life" because I work diligently to keep them out of it because they annoy me. However, if I happened to pass them and they happened to fall head first in the mud, I would laugh.

Exhibit A. To understand my point of view you would probably have to hear the conversation my best friend Chelsea and I have as we walk through the hallway at school. Everyday we have the same conversation. It goes something like..."Why are people so stupid?" "I don't know." "I really don't understand what some people are thinking." [Silence] "Excuse me!! Why do people insist on standing in the middle of the hallway?! Don't they know we're juniors?" "I don't know...stupid freshmen." "Just stand right there. No, don't move. People aren't trying to walk here. You're not in the way at all." If people were as smart as we are, we wouldn't have this problem. Lol.

Exhibit B. Besides people that choose to stand in the middle of the hallway, there are others who I would deem "slinkies". People that, I swear, open their mouths with the intention of nothing but stupid coming out. Apparently, their mother never taught them, "It is better to appear a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." And the people that do things just to get attention or just to irritate others. I don't understand. Is their own life not interesting enough that they have to annoy mine? Oh, and one more thing. People that stare and invade our conversations. Haha.

This all brings me to my answer to most questions...people are stupid.


The Reinolds said...

you are too funny, melody. seriously. love the slinkies quote.

Jenn said...

Very insightful! :-)