Tuesday, December 16, 2008

R.O.U.S.'s and Little Women

I came to a sad realization over the past couple weeks... Not everyone knows all the lines to The Princess Bride, Little Women, and While You Were Sleeping! In fact, most people (my age, at least) have never seen any of them.
You see, when I was little those three movies were a staple around our house. My sister and I can pretty much recite all the lines to any of those. And I always assumed that everyone else loved them as much as I did. But the other day in my AP US History class, as we were discussing transcendentalism, my teacher asked if anyone had seen or read Little Women. I eagerly responded that I had and that, in fact, it was one of my favorite movies. And everyone looked at me like I was crazy! And then the other day one of my friends told me that their teacher had made them watch this really weird movie they had never heard of, The Princess Bride, in class that day. Blasphemy! It's a classic! And any time I ask someone if they've seen While You Were Sleeping, they ask...what? I was very shocked by this. You mean to tell me that not everyone fell in love with these movies at the age of like...five? And you mean to tell me that not everyone knows what an R.O.U.S. is? Or the significance of creamy mashed potatoes? It's a sad, sad world.
So I thought I'd include some of my favorite quotes...haha.
"These mashed potatoes are so creamy." "I never could make a good pot roast." "Caesar Romero was tall." "Dustin Hoffman was 5'6"". "But John Wayne wasn't cuban." "Would you want to see Dustin Hoffman save the Alamo?"
"I like mass in Latin. It's nicer when you can't hear what you're saying."
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill my father, prepare to die."
"Mawwage. Mawwage is what bwings us togeva today. Wuv, twue wuv, will fowwow you...Do you have da wing?"
"It just so happens that your friend is only mostly dead. There's a big difference between all dead and partially dead."
"Butter! Oh, isn't butter divinity?"
"Here we come a-wassailing among the leaves to green! And here we come a-wand'ring so fair to be seen. Love and joy come to you and to you your wassail too; and God bless you and send you a happy new year and God send you a happy new year."
"Meg always makes me take the gentlemen's part at home. It's a shame you don't know the ladies' part!"
"Oh, that's Meg. That's my sister. She's completely bald in front."


Chris Reinolds said...

It's because no one grew up living with twisted people, like us!

Just the other day, I had to explain "leaning" to someone in a photo shoot.. I got a blank stare when I asked if they had seen While You Were You Sleeping.. So sad.

Frank and Teen said...

Oh, sadness. To not consider The Princess Bride as a classic is shameful. And While You Were Sleeping is a cute, cute romantic movie. Sadness. Utter sadness. My heart mourns for those who have never seen any of those movies!!

Holly said...

Some of life's best lessons can be learned from Princess Bride...
Be careful, people in masks can not be trusted.
I'll explain and I'll be sure to use small words you warthog faced baffoon (of course not directed toward you, Mammy)
When I was you age, television was called a book....
I could go on all day!