Monday, December 15, 2008

My kind of 12 Days of Christmas

My brother has a cd of this group that he made me listen to yesterday. I looked them up on the internet and found this video of the song he played for me. It's so cool! It's funny but at the same time the music appreciating part of me is amazed by the complexity of the song and the talent in the group. They're called Straight No Chaser and they're from Indiana University. They have a lot of other cool stuff too but this one's my fav.


Chris Reinolds said...

YAY!! For Mark and Mammy!! Definitely made me smile this morning.

"I have Christmas down in Africa!"

Frank and Teen said...

That's great, Melody!! Thanks so much for sharing! It put a smile on both mine and Frank's faces!!

Love your blog, by the way. All you need now is to add a picture!! =)